Posts tagged #women's weekend away

Sunset Hues in Her Hair

Cordelia was in today. Her hair was faded, but the black and the lightener pieces held up. I used 4.3 1/4 tube, and 6.46 on the base because I am was out of 5.46. I touched up the ends with special effects blood red, with hot lava, hi octane orange with a bit of yellow, and yellow by itself.  Cordelia is on her way to Greece for three weeks with her mother.  They are going on a sail boat for a contra dancing cruise.  She wanted to sport great hair, and so I went to work.  As, I swathed the sunny colors on her hair, we talked about our work, good food, and art.  We both had returned from women’s weekends, both wanting girl, art and nature, and good food connection. I came back with the deeper knowing that writing is what feeds my soul. Even so, sitting down and working on my book is the last thing I will sit and do. I’m afraid. What it requires for me to slow down enough to go deep inside feels like stepping into quicksand.

Back to Cordelia.  She continues to inspire me, to hold a torch for art and it’s importance to humanity. To end an insane day, with having time with Cordelia, was a dream.  There was lots of sparkle in the finished do.  I can picture her on that sailboat now, Hi Octane Orange colored hair blowing in the soft, warm wind.  People oohing and ahhing, “Look at that gorgeous woman, she must be an artist.”  Sunset hair!

Thank you Cordelia.

Posted on May 9, 2008 and filed under Beauty.