Juarez Santiago McMiller

We pulled it off!  Everything went really well.  We arrived a t 12:00 pm, I was the first to arrive.  I set up in the living room at McMiller's place.  Then Zavia, one of the models showed, so we got started on her hair, sweet gal, eyes of a doe.  We rolled her hair into barrel curls, with a deep diagonal part, from temple to crown.  Then, our make up artist showed, Shabnam Hariri, fabulous artist, lovely disposition.  There was one other kind MUA, but she didn't have a care, and I can't recall her name, but was talented as well. Then, the five models showed.  The three sisters, Shilonda, Chantel, and Akila.  We had one other model show, and Mika, the owner of the clothing store came in carrying the clothing. 

And, of course Juarez.  He is a mix of fun, serious about his craft, strong ideas, and hip.  He knew what he was going for and he got it.  He definitly pulled together a great team of players.  Check out his work.  www.zrphotography.com

I pulled out hair pieces that I had practiced on, and laid out product, brushes, pins, grips, and hot tools.  Even though I had laid out plans of what I would do, I relaxed with it and allowed myself to create with what the models hair would do, could do, face structure, and hair texture.  I had a ball.  The models looked great, and although not professional...they put it on with the final touches of make up, hair, and clothing.

It was a mix of industrial, waterfront, backgrounds.  I was inspired by the water, movement, cultures mixing and swirling, and tried to capture it with the hairstyles.  I know we captured some beautiful, high fashion, beauty shots.

Around 8:00 pm, while the last bit of sunlight drained from the sky, and the freezing wind blew in from the bay, we took our last shot, hair blown barely withstanding the elements, models shivering bare-legged in spring cottons.  All of us, not too tired to laugh at the absurdity.  I called out,  "We must be mad!"

Posted on April 14, 2008 and filed under Beauty, inspiration.