Power of Beauty

More on the subject of women's power coming from within.  A woman's beauty and power transcend age, wrinkles, and body weight. I hurt inside when a client pulls the skin back on her neck as I am showing her the silhouette of her haircut in the mirror.  And then, once we spin her back around, we laugh with a tinge of discomfort, she hands me back the hand mirror and proceeds to lift the skin on her forehead up.  This intimate, temporary, indulgent fantasy leaves me in a curious state of mind.

What will the wrinkle free face give her, besides a momentary sense of time standing still, or a delusion that she is indeed younger and not aging?  Will people treat her differently?  Is the dissatisfaction with the way she looks as an aging woman really only skin deep, gone the minute she goes under the knife?  It makes me shiver in my own skin.

What would it be like to have her take the mirror and not succomb to this cultures perverse pressure to be something we are not, to simply say, "I look and feel fabulous."

I wish it for us all.

Posted on December 5, 2007 and filed under Inner Beauty.